Thursday, September 24, 2009

La Freakin WAH Vie

Aargh. I spent about two hours this morning, churning out 3 articles consisting of 6 short paragraphs. I thought they were pretty easy tasks to do, but apparently there's more to them than meets the eye. All three articles were rejected on grounds that they didn't meet required criteria. I reread the instructions and I'd be very surprised to find out which criterion I had not met. This is my first time to receive rejection when it comes to MyLot tasks and it's very off-putting. I really don't understand it. The quality is the same as previous works I had submitted. I felt confident about them as they were interesting to me. I had responded to the rejection requesting a specification of the unmet requirement. I'm still waiting to hear. The really bad part about this is that my daughter woke up early and was having a meltdown because I was not paying attention to her. I kept on telling her, just two more minutes, but since I'm OCD about checking and rechecking, I took longer. Priorities, WAHM! Naturally, I feel very guilty.
And then with Microworkers, I've performed 3 tasks thus far that went kaput or something while I was completing the task. That's so unfair. I submit requirements and then I get a message that the task ceased running and will be up and about in a little while. Hmph. I keep on forgetting to report this.
C'est la freakin WAH vie!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Making Cents

Hi. I'm trying out a few paying sites. I've been burned and bored by PTC and survey ones and have mainly been doing paid blogging and MyLot, but recently I decided to try my hand at Pickjack (pay to do trivia), Socint (pay to be social), and Microworkers (pay to do tasks). Of course, I'm still doing ads and have accounts under Adgitize, BidVertiser, and CMF. Hopefully, the cents from these different ventures will add up to a reasonable amount. If you have recommendations, let me know.