Friday, October 17, 2008

Must Win Contest

One of my to-do things for this year is to enter and win a contest. So far, I got contacted by A****** P**** Hotel that I'd won a consolation prize. I got the choice of staying for free at a hotel in Bali, in Bangkok, and in the US. Of course we had to shoulder the fare and everything else. I initially thought we could do the US one, but upon further thought, I've been around long enough to suspect that there was a catch somewhere. When the representative contacted me about it, I repeatedly asked if there was a catch and he was very insistent that there wasn't. However, upon further research, I found this.

Anyway, other than suspicious raffles, I haven't won anything yet. I meant to join writing contests this year, but the process of sending entries is such a hassle sometimes. Honestly? I've had that winning a contest item in the past three years' to-do lists and I have yet to do it, so I'm not sure how seriously I'm taking this thing.

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